Marco Tondelli

Marco Tondelli is an independent consultant in the field of structural and earthquake engineering. He graduated with honors in Civil Engineering at the University of Parma in 2008 and he obtained a Master of Science in Earthquake Engineering at the ROSE School of the University Institute for Superior Studies of Pavia (IUSS) in 2011.

During his career he held different positions both in research institutions and in design/consulting firms. He worked as research engineer at the EUCENTRE Foundation of Pavia where he focused his work on the seismic assessment of existing URM structures. Also, he worked as scientific assistant the University of Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland where he was involved in the execution of a shake-table test aimed at investigating the dynamic behaviour of mixed masonry/reinforced concrete structures and also on the study of out-of-plane behaviour of URM walls. Moreover, he worked as structural engineer he was specializing on the static and seismic design and assessment of different type of structures (reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and timber). He is the author of several scientific publications.

He is currently collaborating with Sismica360 as project manager in the framework of a main program of seismic assessment and retrofit of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings located in the Groningen region in The Netherlands and subjected to induced seismicity due to extraction of gas from onshore fields.


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